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Norlands hosts Veterans Day “Tour, Talk and Tea”


Maine’s Civil War Governor, Israel Washburn, Jr., enlisted 50,000 men in less than two years – more troops per capita than any other state.

The Washburn-Norlands Living History Center will honor local Civil War veterans and spotlight the accomplishments of Maine’s Civil War Governor, Israel Washburn, Jr., in a special living history “Tour, Talk and Tea” program on Saturday, November 12 at 6:30 p.m. Seating is limited and tickets, which are $13, must be purchased by November 10.

The program will begin with a tour of the 1867 Washburn Family home, where guests will see family heirlooms and Civil War-era fashions on display. Visitors will then adjourn to the ladies’ parlor for a rare opportunity to hear readings from original family letters and songs of the period. Afterwards, guests may cozy up to the woodstove in the historic farmer’s cottage to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a homemade dessert, such as nutmeg cake or apple pie.

Presented by Norlands interpretive staff in costume, the program will be directed by Willi Irish, Norlands Director of Interpretation, who will portray her ancestor Clara Howard. “Aunt Clara” will share reflections about Israel Washburn’s service during the War. Samuel Boothby will share reflections on Israel from the perspective of his brothers, Elihu and Cadwallader. Other interpreters will include Jeannette Macdonald as Julia Coolidge (1832-1923), wife of Augustus Coolidge (1830-1889), who was a postmaster and owned a general store in North Livermore; and Robin Lewis as Louese Moore (1845-1904), wife of local Civil War veteran William S. Moore (1841-1915). Norlands interpreter Larry Whittington will provide piano accompaniment.

Norlands is located at 290 Norlands Road in Livermore. To purchase tickets, call 897-4366 or email For more information, see

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