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This week’s edition!

Letter to Editor: Thank you

What was lost has been found!  A few weeks back I asked the Gorham Community in an Editorial to provide any information they might have concerning the American Legion Smith Wagner Post 60-Gorham.  After a few leads and phone calls, I was able to contact the last Post Commander in Florida and the wife of the Last Post Adjutant still living in Gorham. As a result of these clues, I was able to locate the American Legion Smith Wagner Post 60 banner and the one associated with the Post Auxiliary. They were placed in safe keeping with members of the Stewart P. Morrill Post 35 in South Portland. Those involved in the transfer have long passed away, so further information will be scant.  I provided a photo of the Banner along with Post 35 Adjutant, Mike Pock, who rummaged through old Post archives and files at the South Portland Post to find the Banners.  

What is the significance of the finds? For one, it has historic significance as a representation of one of the original and at one point, the largest, American Legion Posts in Maine, established in 1919, the founding year of the National American Legion organization. Secondly, if the future the Post is to be active again, the banner will be the focal point and continuity for a future revitalized Post. I would very much like to see this happen.  I say this because the Gorham area (04038) has over 40 American Legion members associated with the Department of Maine’s Post 178 holding Post or the AD 178 members who have association directly with the National Office.  Each of these Legion Members could be future Post 60 members.  

I am currently working with the Department of Maine to host an information meeting in the near future for these and other local veterans.  Please look to your mail and this local paper for additional information.  If you have any interest in this venture, give me a call at (207) 892-1306.

David Tanguay, 2nd District Adjutant, Dept. of Maine.

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