Gorham Town Council weekly report

Postcard with Municipal News: A postcard was mailed to all Gorham taxpayer addresses last week to advise of the tax due date extension (to June 15), Gorham facilities closure extension (through May 31) and extended compliance dates for certain motor vehicle laws during the public health emergency.
In addition to the mailer, citizens can stay informed by subscribing for future Town News and Announcements at www.gorham-me.org/subscribe. For assistance with questions, residents can call (207) 222-1600 to reach a department directory.
Municipal Office Reopening Discussions: Last week, department managers and the Town Manager met remotely to begin the planning of reopening certain Town offices and functions. Staff will be developing a reopening plan for public reference and a separate outline with expectations for employees. The public reopening plan, once available, will be published with local media, on the Town website and listserv, and on Facebook.
Upcoming Meetings/Events:
May 19, 8 a.m., Ordinance Committee Meeting, Zoom Webinar.
May 20, 8 a.m., Gorham Economic Development Corporation Meeting, Zoom Webinar.
May 21, 6:30 p.m., Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, Zoom Webinar.
May 25, Memorial Day, Municipal Center, Administrative offices, Recreations office and Baxter Memorial Library closed.
June 1, 7 p.m., Planning Board Meeting, Zoom Webinar.