Wallingford’s hosts school Harvest Fest

Kathleen Dean feeds the goats at last year’s Park Ave. Harvest Fest at Wallingford’s Orchard. This year’s event takes place on Saturday, September 13.
You’re invited to enjoy a day at the orchard when the Park Avenue Elementary School PTO presents its annual Harvest Festival fundraiser in Wallingford’s Backyard on Saturday, September 13. The event will take place rain or shine from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wallingford’s Backyard includes two corn mazes, some mini-golf holes, a noodle jungle, an obstacle course and more. The Park Avenue PTO will bring in a bounce house, bounce slide, pumpkin crafts, painted memory tiles, fairy houses, face painting, and other games for the event. Fresh popcorn, hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks will be available for sale. All proceeds will benefit PTO programming at the Park Avenue Elementary School.
Available for picking in the orchard will be early Cortlands, McIntosh (both organic and conventional), Ginger Gold and Honeycrisp. The bakery and store will also be open during the event.
Admission for families with one student is $2.50, with two students or more $5. Children under age 4 enter for free. Tickets for attractions and crafts will cost extra. Wallingford’s Orchard is located at 1240 Perkins Ridge Road in Auburn. For more information about the event, call Park Avenue Elementary at (207) 333-6657.