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This week’s edition!

Root Cellar Golf Classic is Sept. 19

The 2nd Annual Root Cellar Fall Golf Classic at Martindale will tee off at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 19, rain or shine, at Martindale Country Club, 527 Beech Hill Road, Auburn.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with a 9:30 a.m. shotgun start.

The tournament will feature a four-person team scramble format with prizes for best team score, best individual scores, longest drives and closest to the pin, as well as a 50/50 raffle and much more!

Book your spot or your team’s spot today, and/or show your support for our community by being a sponsor.

Team registration sheets and corporate sponsorship sheets are available at the Lewiston Root Cellar. You may also call 782-3659 or e-mail to register your team or company.

Cost is $400 per team or $100 per player. Fees include green fees with cart, continental breakfast, grilled lunch at the Turn, awards dinner after the last team is finished, gifts and more!

The golf classic also includes “Fill the Van:” Bring basic items such as athletic balls, shoes, socks, “gently used” clothing, basic clothing items, canned goods, perishable items, school supplies, etc. The Root Cellar hopes to reach 50 new families through your generosity.

The Root Cellar is a nonprofit Interdenominational Christian mission with a goal of uniting churches and the community in the common cause of addressing the practical, physical and spiritual needs of inner-city youth and their families.

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