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This week’s edition!

Tickets available for Helicopter Ball Drop


Central Maine Medical Center will present its fifth annual Arbor House Helicopter Ball Drop on Tuesday, June 23 at 5 p.m. at Martindale Country Club in Auburn. Hosted by the CMMC Associates Volunteer Program, this unique fundraiser – in which raffle tickets are sold to represent the numbered golf balls to be dropped onto a target from a helicopter at the event – benefits CMMC’s Arbor House.

The available raffle ticket levels are $100 for one chance in up to 50 to win $2,000; $50 for one chance in up to 100 to win $1,500; $20 for one chance in up to 300 to win $1,000; and $10 for one chance in up to 400 to win $500. The owner of the golf ball that lands closest to the target wins the cash prize. You need not be present to win.

The event will feature a social hour with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and entertainment provided by local musicians Debbie Morin and Denny Breau. CMMC’s Arbor House is a place that individuals and families from out of town can call “home” at no charge while they cope with unexpected health challenges facing their loved ones.

For more information about volunteering as an Associate, or to purchase raffle tickets, contact the CMMC Development Office at 795-2950 or Sponsorships of the event are also available at various levels. For more information, see



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