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This week’s edition!

Basilica to host Corpus Christi procession

In honor of the Feast of Corpus Christi (also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ), Roman Catholic parishes around the Diocese of Portland have planned celebrations, Eucharistic processions and special events on Sunday, June 7.

In Lewiston, the
10 a.m. Mass at the Basilica of Ss. Peter & Paul at
122 Ash Street in Lewiston will conclude with
Prince of Peace Parish’s annual Corpus Christi procession.

The route will go down Ash Street to Blake Street, College Street and Bartlett Street, and then back to the basilica chapel for a benediction.

The Feast of Corpus Christi (translated from the Latin as “Body of Christ”) celebrates the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion at the Last Supper. It originated in 1246 as an opportunity  for public Eucharistic processions, in which the Sacred Host, accompanied by hymns and litanies, is carried through the town. The practice was extended to the whole Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264.For more information about the Feast of Corpus Christi or the local parish celebrations, see


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