Veterans celebrate new Stolen Valor law

Among those who joined Senate President Thibodeau at the news conference were veterans from World War II and the Korean and Vietnam Wars.
Veterans from the Belfast, Maine Veterans of Foreign Wars joined Senate President Michael Thibodeau (R-Waldo) recently to celebrate the enactment of new “Stolen Valor” legislation. The bill, LD 1642, “An Act Regarding Stolen Valor,” strengthens the current law against Mainers who make false claims about having served in the United States armed forces. Veterans from the Belfast VFW asked Senate President Thibodeau to sponsor the bill prior to the beginning of the 127th Legislature.
Under the new law, anyone who makes such claims will be subject to the state law governing theft by deception. It also specifies that any fine imposed on such a person must be deposited into the Maine Military Family Relief Fund. The bill passed unanimously in both the Maine House and Senate before being signed by Governor Paul LePage.