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This week’s edition!

Updates from the Town of Gorham

GORHAM, ME (August 19, 2022) — Nomination Papers Now Available for November 2022 Municipal Election

A Municipal election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 for the purpose of electing:

Three (3) persons for Town Council to serve a three-year term

Two (2) persons for School Committee to serve a three-year term

One (1) person for Portland Water District Trustee to serve a five-year term

Nomination papers are available from the Town Clerk’s Office now. Completed nomination papers must be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office by 4pm on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

Any registered voter of the Town of Gorham, who is interested in running for any of these positions must submit nomination papers with no less than 35, and no more than 50 signatures of persons who are registered voters in the Town of Gorham.

Please reach out to the Town Clerk’s Office at 222-1670 with any questions

Citizen Volunteers Needed

The Town Council Appointments Committee is seeking citizen volunteers for the Robie Park Master Plan Steering Committee.

If you are interested in applying to serve on this committee, or to learn more information, please visit the Town Clerk’s Office to pick up an application (or check the Town’s website).

Completed applications can be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office during their regular business hours of 8am to 4pm – Monday through Wednesday, 8am to 6:30pm -Thursdays, and 8am to 1pm – Fridays, or via email to the Town Clerk Laurie Nordfors at Applications should be submitted by September 1, 2022.

For assistance with questions, contact Laurie Nordfors at or call 222-1671.

Absentee Ballots Now Available for Request for the November 8, 2022 Annual Municipal Election and the State Election

Absentee ballots are now available for request for the November 8, 2022 Annual Municipal Election and State Election. You may request an absentee ballot by visiting, or by calling the Town Clerk’s office at 222-1670, and one will be sent to you when available.

Absentee ballots must be returned no later than 8pm on Election Day.  You can return your ballots by mail (two stamps required) or drop them off in the Ballot Box at the Municipal Center.

You may also return you ballots in person to the Town Clerk’s Office during regular business hours.

Important Dates:

August 8 – Absentee ballots may be requested  REQUEST ONLINE | PAPER APPLICATION 

We will mail your ballot to you once absentee ballots arrive (around October 8) 

October  10– Absentee voting begins

If you requested your ballot, we will mail it to you.  If you would like to vote absentee in person, you may do so at the Town City Clerk’s office , starting Monday, October 10 and any time the Town Clerk’s office is open:  Monday-Wednesday, 8:00am-4:00pm, Thursday, 8:00-6:30 and Friday, 8:00-1:00. 

October 18 – Last day for Registrar’s office to receive mail-in voter cards

After this date, voter registration changes and enrollments must be done in person 

Beginning October 24 thru November 3

You may vote absentee in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Center, October 24-October 28; Monday – Wednesday, 8:00am-4:00pm, Thursday, 8:00am-6:30pm, Friday, 8:00am-1:00p, and October 31-November 3; Monday-Wednesday, 8:00am-4:00pm, Thursday, 8:00am-7:00pm.

November 3– Last day an absentee ballot may be requested without special circumstances 

November 8 – Election Day!  All polling places will be open from 7:00am-8:00pm.   

Absentee ballots must be returned to the Town Clerk’s Office by 8:00pm. New voters may register to vote and vote at the polling place on Election Day. 

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