Updates from the Gorham Historical Society
GORHAM, ME (August 9, 2022) — We hope you are enjoying your summer! This is a letter to keep you informed about recent historical activities. We awarded our annual GHS Scholarship this year to Josiah Irish who will be attending USM this fall. We also had great success fundraising with calendar sales again this year! We will be brainstorming themes for our 2023 calendar.
As you have probably heard or read in the newspapers, The Shaw Family Foundation has generously offered to lease space ($1 per year) in the Old Richarson/Mosher Barn they are reconstructing at the Cherry Hill property. There is a large space upstairs with a locked room for our archives. We have outgrown our space on School St. and parking is hard to come by there. A big thank you to the Town of Gorham for the use of that building for several years. The space at Cherry Hill will be climate controlled, has bathrooms, parking, and plenty of space for displays and storage. It will be available later this fall. Here is a photo of the space upstairs.
This letter is to inform you of the possible move that the executive board recommends. We have also been in touch with past officers to get their input. If you have any questions, concerns or objections regarding this decision please contact President Suzie Phillips 207-892-9847 or suziephillips@gmail.com.
In other exciting news, we have been contacted by the Boston Tea Party Association that they are planning to put grave markers for each member involved in the dumping of the tea into Boston Harbor in 1773. One of the men is buried here in Gorham. We will be planning a ceremony this October. We will get you more information as we put the event together.
We will resume meetings this fall and hopefully have an open house at our new space! Just a reminder that we began collecting membership dues ($10 per person) again this year. Thank you for your continued support of the Gorham Historical Society!
The Gorham Historical Society Executive Board