Twin Cities Holiday Celebration set for Nov. 26

At last year’s event, Ben Grenier accepts the window decorating contest trophy on behalf of Rainbow Bikes.
Get ready for a fun filled community event that is free and open to the public! Join the cities of Lewiston and Auburn for their Twin Cities Holiday Celebration! The planning committee has come together with local artists of the Union of Maine Visual Artists-LA Chapter to bring you this special two-part event on Saturday, November 26, including the Festival of Art and Lights from noon to 4 p.m. and the Parade of Lights at 6 p.m.
Local businesses have decorated their store fronts for a window decorating contest. Businesses will host artists and artisans. The Lamey Wellehan building on Lisbon Street will have student work from Wicked Illustrations, Lewiston Middle School and Tree Street Youth. Lewiston Public Library will have activities. The parade will end in Lewiston with activities in Kennedy Park, such as a tree and menorah lighting, music, free photos with Santa from Photo Finish, free dental bags from major sponsor Center Street Dental, free mittens and gloves from the Auburn Business Association, free horse and wagon rides from Stillbrook Acres and free refreshments from Dunkin Donuts.
Info areas on the day of the event will be Wicked Illustrations, LA Arts, The Studio and The Hive. These locations, primarily on Lisbon Street, will have maps. For more information, visit the UMVA LA Facebook event page or see