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Turnpike projects include work at L-A exits, bridges

Growth in E-ZPass usage has led the Maine Turnpike Authority (MTA) to schedule a conversion of the New Gloucester toll plaza to an Open Road Toll collection facility.

This conversion will allow E-ZPass patrons to proceed through the toll plaza at highway speeds without stopping. This is a $5 million project, which is scheduled to be advertised in the spring of 2011 with the construction starting in summer 2011. The MTA anticipates this being completed by Memorial Day 2012.

Lewiston-Auburn Interchange. With the conclusion of several studies in the Lewiston and Auburn area, the Maine Turnpike Authority has programmed several improvement projects at Exit 75 in Auburn and Exit 80 in Lewiston. A $17 million four-year Turnpike project will get underway in 2011 to reconstruct the Lewiston Exit 80 and a smaller project, lead by MaineDOT, will get underway in Auburn at Exit 75.

In Lewiston, the MTA anticipates bidding the first construction contract as early as summer 2011.

In Auburn, Maine DOT will advertise for intersection improvements for Hotel Road/Kitty Hawk, Kitty Hawk/Route 202 and Route 202/Maine Turnpike, and the Turnpike will lengthen the acceleration ramp for the southbound on-ramp. This $1.25 million joint project will occur sometime in 2011-12.

Kitty Hawk Road bridge and St. Lawrence & Atlantic overpass in Auburn. Contract will include removing the existing membrane and pavement and replacing with a new membrane and surface pavement on all three structures. SLA bridge is located at mile marker 74.5.

This project is expected to be completed with minimal traffic impacts, The approximately $900,000 project is scheduled to be advertised in spring 2011 with construction completion in November 2011.

Mile 92.6: Hallowell Road bridge and Route 197 bridge, Litchefield. The Hallowell Road (Academy Road) bridge was originally built in the 1950s. The concrete deck is deteriorated and needs replacement. Contract includes re-decking the existing structure and constructing slip ramps on the south bound side for turnpike operations. The contract also includes substructure and deck repairs on the Route 197 overpass.

The Hallowell Road is expected to be closed during construction. The closing will be coordinated with the work planned for the Route 197 overpass to ease traffic detours in the area. The combined project is a $3.2 million contract is scheduled to be advertised in February with construction completion in November 2011.

Bridge-hit repairs. There have been several high-load bridge hits within the last year that require necessary reapairs. These bridges include the Hackett Road underpass at mile marker 76.9 in Auburn and the Route 197 underpass at mile marker 93.3 in Litchfield.

Ongoing bridge rehabilitation projects. The Sabattus River bridge rehabilitation at mile 85.2 is an ongoing project and is likely to have temporary pavement over the winter months. Bridge rehabilitation on the Washington St./Route 202/MCRR bridge at mile marker 75.6 is scheduled to be complete in June 2012.

The Route 196 Lisbon Street bridge at mile 81.4 is scheduled for completion in July of 2011.

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