Training program prepares candidates for construction jobs

Pictured here (l. to r., from front) are Trenton Bellavance, Afonso Augusto, Alexander Clark, Moustapha Mahamoud, John Ferland and Alan Hahnel of Hahnel Bros., Zachariah Haines, Andrew Brown, Oral Bennett, Lukau Sergio, David Cushman of HE Callahan, and Michael Pleau of Northeast Painting and Coatings, Inc. (Photo courtesy of Mike Reagan, Lewiston Adult Education)
The third group of students to complete the WorkReady Construction Training Program celebrated at a graduation ceremony held recently at Community Concepts. Offered through a collaboration of community agencies, the 12-week, 160-hour program features class time on construction skills training and communications, along with 24 hours of job site work each week with local contractors, including H. E. Callahan, Hahnel Bros., and Northeast Painting.
The program is designed to provide the training and skills necessary for entry-level career paths in construction. The curriculum includes basic construction math and terminology, familiarity with hand and power tools, and workplace safety. Candidates earn certifications for WorkReady, OSHA 10, scissor lift training, and lead abatement (RRP).
“These dedicated graduates are the result of a best practice model for train-to-work,” said WMCA and CareerCenter Site Coordinator Patti Saarinen. “Such a model brings business, education, and workforce development agencies in collaboration to provide training for high-wage, high-growth career paths.” For more information on local work-driven educational opportunities and partnerships, contact the nearest CareerCenter or call 753-9040 or 795-4141.