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St. John Paul II Parish Announces Lenten Season Schedule

SCARBOROUGH, ME (February 17, 2023) – St. John Paul II Parish announces its Lenten season Mass schedules, spiritual programming, social events, faith formation opportunities and charitable efforts spanning from February to April.

Spiritual Programming

The schedule for Ash Wednesday services and Masses on Wednesday, February 22 can be viewed on

The Stations of the Cross is a Lenten devotion on Fridays that offers witness to the Jesus’ Passion and Death. At each station we use our senses, our imagination to reflect prayerfully upon Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection and to simply experience Christ’s abundant love for us. View our schedule or pray along with us virtually here

Lent is a time to deeply reflect on our relationship with Jesus. “The Light is on for You” offers parishioners an extra opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation from Monday, March 27 till Saturday, April 1, which turns our hearts and lives back to Jesus, who wants us to come, be forgiven and receive the many graces He has for you as we prepare our hearts for Easter. To view the schedule for this special gift visit

Tenebrae Service – Please join us at 7pm on Sunday March 26 at St. Maximilian Kolbe (150 Black Point Rd, Scarborough, ME 04074) for the service of Tenebrae, or darkness, that grew out of a combination of Night Prayer and early Morning Prayer. It features a series of Scripture readings commemorating Jesus’ final week, ending with his burial is also part of the service. At the end of each reading a candle is snuffed out, until the final candle, the Christ candle, is carried out, leaving the room in darkness. This is a powerful experience of Christ’s passion and death and a beautiful way to prepare us to the Sacred Triduum. To learn more go to

Charitable Efforts

40 Cans of Lent – Join our “40 Cans for Lent” effort organized by Knights of Columbus Councils #8144, #11747 and #2344 to donate 6,500 pounds of food to the South Portland Food Cupboard. Go here for more information:

An annual staple in Lenten charitable efforts is the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl. Visit to learn more.

Adult Faith-Formation Opportunities

Monday Afternoons – Marian Cenacles – The Marian Cenacle meets at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church each Monday afternoon from 2 to 3:15pm for this beautiful devotion to Our Lady, including Eucharistic Adoration.

Tuesday Mornings – Opening the Word Co-Ed Faith Sharing Group – Join Faith Formation Director Michelle Valcourt for coffee, baked goods, and a discussion about the upcoming Sunday’s readings.

Tuesday Evenings – Ancient Wisdom: The Wisdom of Solomon and the Gospel of John – Join Dr. John Kenney in this discussion group that will begin by reflecting on a fascinating work of Hellenistic Jewish thought, The Wisdom of Solomon, from the Old Testament Apocrypha. We will then follow its themes into the Gospel of John and consider the theology of that gospel from a new perspective.  We will be meeting Tuesdays in Lent at 7 p.m. at St. Maximilian Kolbe.

Wednesday Mornings – Ministry of Presence – Each Wednesday at 8:30am in the St. Maximilian Kolbe Chapel, Morning Prayer from Liturgy of the Hours is prayed in common. This is a chance to pray the Church’s official prayer. We will supply the materials; you can supply your voice. Afterward, parishioners are invited to pray the Office of Readings from the Liturgy of the Hours and discuss what the day’s readings are asking of us and how we can be prayerfully present to each other and our families.

Saturday Mornings – St. John Paul II Parish Men’s Group – The St. John Paul II Parish Men’s Group meets weekly and is open to men of all ages who desire to grow closer to God. The Men’s Group meets from 7:30-8:30am (coffee’s on at 7am!) each Saturday morning (with the exception of holiday weekends) at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church, Scarborough. Each Saturday morning begins with a teaching, followed by conversation that focuses on how to bring Christ into our daily lives. Members encourage each other to become better Catholic men for our families, friends, workplaces, parish, and community.

Social Events

Knights of Columbus Council #8144 hosts weekly Haddock Dinners on Fridays in Lent – The Knights of Columbus Council 8144 will hold our famous Lenten Baked Haddock Dinners from 5-6:15PM at St Maximilian Kolbe Parish Hall on Fridays during Lent beginning Friday February 24, 2023 and continuing every Friday until March 31, 2023. Meals will be eat-in or take out and will consist or Baked Haddock, Macaroni and Cheese, Potato, Mixed Vegetables, Coleslaw and Dessert. Coffee and Punch are included with eat-in meals. The cost for the dinner will be $12 for an adult, $5 for children under 12 and $30 for a family. Face Masks are optional. Please maintain spacing while in the buffet line. Minors 18 and under will need to be accompanied by an adult to purchase a ticket, stand in the buffet line or get dessert.

A St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon – A St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon (Take-Out or Eat-In) will be held in person at St. Bartholomew’s on March 12 beginning at 12:00 p.m.  Each meal will contain, corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and Irish soda bread. The cost for each meal is $15.00. For those who wish for a takeout meal, please plan to arrive between 11:15 – 11:45 only. Pre-orders can be made by contacting Angela Best at 207-233-4216 or via email Orders for pick up only will be accepted through March 8th. Cash and checks (payable to St. John Paull II Parish) will be accepted at time of pickup.

In July of 2020, St. Bartholomew Parish in Cape Elizabeth, St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Scarborough, and St. John and Holy Cross Parish in South Portland joined to form the new St. John Paul II Parish. The three churches maintained their individual names under the common patronage and intercession of St. John Paul II. For more information, visit

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