Shelter +7, Archtype Structures team with Fontaine Family to market new building system

This Shelter+7 green home is days away from completion and Fontaine Family is offering an opportunity to view it by invitation only before the new owners take possession. For more information, call exclusive agents Caleb Labrie at 754-4275 or Charmaine Raby at 577-1034.
Shelter +7, Inc. of Greene and Archtype Structures, LLC of West Gardiner have teamed with The Fontaine Family – The Real Estate Leader to market and sell Shelter +7’s “Ultra High Performance Building Shell System” across the state. This partnership between the three companies puts all the components in place to develop, manufacture, construct, market, and sell Shelter +7’s next-generation building shell system in Maine and then across the country.
The Fontaine Team has launched a multi-faceted program to present the building shell system to its clientele. Through direct contact, multi-media, and outreach initiatives, they will encourage buyers to re-think what they want, need, and expect from their next home, professional, or commercial building. To stimulate more interest in their inventory of listed building lots, they will enhance a number of them with different building design concepts combined with “To-Be-Built” packages to benefit both the seller and the buyer of the lot. The ultimate objective is to encourage clients to seriously consider the significant financial, physical, and environmental performance benefits of this revolutionary building system.
Archtype Structures is days away from completion of the Shelter+7 green home pictured below and Fontaine Family is offering an opportunity to view the home by invitation only before the new owners take possession. For more information, call exclusive agents Caleb Labrie at 754-4275 or Charmaine Raby at 577-1034. For more information about the Shelter+7 “Ultra High Performance Building Shell System,” see
Fontaine Family – The Real Estate Leader serves seven counties from two offices located at 336 Center Street in Auburn and at 432 U.S. Route One in Scarborough.