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SeniorsPlus honors McClusky with volunteer award


Pat McCluskey (r.) receives the 2016 Margaret Ross Award for Volunteerism from Executive Director Betsy Sawyer-Manter (l.) and Director of Community Services Connie Jones.

SeniorsPlus has presented its 2016 Margaret Ross Award for Volunteerism to sixteen-year volunteer Pat McClusky. Conveyed each year to a recipient who has made significant contributions to SeniorsPlus, the award was presented on the agency’s Volunteer Appreciation Day, which featured a luncheon buffet for the 130 volunteers in attendance made by the staff of the Meals on Wheels program.

A resident of Peru, McCluskey has termed out and then subsequently returned to the board of SeniorsPlus since joining it in 2000. She has also served on the organization’s Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee, its Advisory Board and its Development Committee. She has just joined the board of Frye School Housing as the designated representative for SeniorsPlus.

“It was wonderful to honor Pat for her years of dedication to helping older adults,” said Betsy Sawyer-Manter, Executive Director at SeniorsPlus. “She epitomizes the positive, productive spirit one looks for in a volunteer.”

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