Rotary Club supports Maine Alzheimer’s Association

Peter Baker of the Maine Alzheimer’s Association (c.) receives a donation check from Rotarians (from l.) Belinda Valee, Monica Millhime, Cheryl McKeone, and Tom MacDonald.
The Lewiston-Auburn Lunch Club Rotarians recently presented the Maine chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association with a $2,000 donation, raised over the past year through sales of its Rotary Community Cookbook, which was championed and compiled by first-year Rotarian Lorraine Bard.
“Thank you for your contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association,” said Executive Director Laurie Trenholm. “Your support will provide immediate assistance to people in Maine affected by Alzheimer’s disease, their families, and caregivers.”
“On behalf of the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Club, we wish to express our gratitude to all of our past and present Rotarians, families, and friends who shared their culinary delights,” said club president Monica Millhime. A limited number of cookbooks are still available for purchase at two convenient locations in Auburn: Ann’s Flower Shop at 36 Millet Drive, and The Village Inn at 165 High Street.