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This week’s edition!

Riverfront Island Master Plan workshop is Nov. 16

The first public workshop to discuss the Lewiston Riverfront Island Master Plan will be held on November 16.

The City of Lewiston is developing a master plan for the riverfront area of Lewiston and has awarded this planning effort to consultant Goody Clancy of Boston. The master plan will help the city frame future development strategies, land use regulations and public investments in this vital but underutilized part of the city.

The public is invited to attend the first public workshop to discuss this planning effort on November 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Franco-American Heritage Center, 46 Cedar St., Lewiston. Goody Clancy will provide an overview of the master planning process and a summary of preliminary findings, followed by small-group discussions of opportunities for the Riverfront Island area.

The City of Lewiston and Goody Clancy are committed to ensure that all perspectives are taken into consideration as the master plan is developed. Over the course of the planning effort, three public workshops will be held.

In addition, folks are encouraged to visit the project website at for more information and to provide comments and suggestions.

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