MSAD 52 Adult Education Director Selected for Grant Award

The National Literacy Directory recently selected four programs across the nation to receive Innovation Grants to attend the upcoming Families Learning Conference (November 4-6) in Louisville, KY.
Razell Ward, from Maine School Administrative District (MSAD) 52, will be attending the Families Learning Conference. MSAD 52 located in rural Western Maine, where transportation barriers can be a challenge to adult learners. Razell is excited to learn innovative strategies for addressing these transportation barriers, as well as methods to better incorporate family literacy and community collaboration in MSAD 52’s established adult education program.
National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) works to eradicate poverty through education solutions involving families. Partnering with educators, literacy advocates, and policymakers, NCFL develops and provides programming, professional development, and resources that empower and raise families to achieve their potential. This intensive grassroots family learning effort, with more than 140 community partners across 38 states and Washington, DC, impacts thousands of families each year. NCFL Partners with Toyota, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, Dollar General Literacy Foundation, Better World Books, PNC, and the Goodling Institute from Penn State University. The Center is celebrating 30 years of providing high-quality literacy services, resources, and research.
Ms. Ward looks forward to collaborating with educators at the conference. She plans to incorporate the new information she learns at her program in Turner, as well as share new solutions with her Adult Education partners. For more information on MSAD 52 Adult Education programs and offerings, please call 207-225-1010.