Mountain Division Alliance starts 2025 with a new name

WINDHAM, ME -The Mountain Division Alliance is an advocacy organization whose mission is to work with the nine communities along the Mountain Division Rail corridor, Maine Department of Transportation, and other organizations and stakeholders to create a safe, welcoming, contiguous trail that connects existing paved portions of the trail to provide for active transportation and recreation opportunities from Fryeburg to Portland.
In July 2023 the passage of legislation (LD404) authorized the MaineDOT to remove the rail and plan and construct 31 miles of new trail until rail stretching from Fryeburg to Standish. This presents an opportunity for the Organization to promote the trail to a broader group of people in and outside of Maine to whom we are not as well-known. After considerable discussion and debate, the Board decided to come up with a new name reflecting our singular focus.
Friends of the Mountain Division Trail (FOTMDT) is the new name of the organization effective 1/9/25. “It better reflects our sentiment and commitment to this invaluable Maine state asset and how we will accomplish our new mission and vision” says Doug Smith, President of the organization.
Smith and the Board of FOTMDT invite all members of the public to join us in working toward our vision to have communities along the Mountain Division Line connected by trails that are safe and welcoming for active transportation and recreation, improve the health and well-being of residents and visitors, create economic benefits by attracting tourists and businesses to Southern and Western Maine, and further connect to a network of trails across Maine and beyond.
Please visit our new website and learn more about our advocacy efforts, and how you can support our activities.