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Mechanics Savings donates $1000 to Jubilee Center


Mortgage Loan Officer and Charitable Contributions Committee Member Mariah Robinson of Mechanics Savings Bank (l.) presents a $1,000 donation check to Erin Reed of Trinity Jubilee Center.

Mechanics Savings Bank has donated $1,000 to support Trinity Jubilee Center’s Sponsor a Meal Project. The donation will fund the soup kitchen’s operation for ten days, making possible the preparation and distribution of over 1,000 meals. Since it’s inception in 1991, Trinity Jubilee Center has assisted thousands of Maine families through five programs that run seven days per week: a Meals Program, Food Pantry, Day Shelter, Resource Center, and Refugee Integration Program. Mechanics Savings Bank has been a consistent supporter of the Center, whose focus areas are community education, food security, youth development and public health.

“We are so grateful for the support of Mechanics Savings Bank,” said Trinity Jubilee Center Executive Director Erin Reed. “All programs at our community center run on such a small budget; this donation goes a long way toward helping to feed families in Lewiston-Auburn.”

Mechanics Savings Bank is a full-service community bank with branches in Auburn, Brunswick, Lewiston, and Windham. Over the past decade, Mechanics has donated more than $1 million to local causes. Non-profits seeking funding should submit written requests to: Charitable Contributions Committee, Mechanics Savings Bank, 3 Drive In Lane, Windham, ME 04062. Mechanics Savings Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC.

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