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LAE Super Saturday offers new technologies, old favorites


In this 2016 photo, instructor Justin Dimmel shows precalculus students at Lewiston High School how virtual reality connects with math.

The mix of classes featured at Lewiston Adult Education’s Spring Super Saturday on March 18 will spotlight emerging technologies while bringing back some returning favorites.

One of the new offerings will explore the potentials of Virtual Reality. Justin Dimmel, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education and Instructional Technology at the University of Maine, and graduate student Camden Bock will explain how using goggles and remote controls can immerse viewers in a Virtual Reality environment. Children and teens may attend this class with the instructors’ permission.

In “Microsoft Office Powerpoint,” instructor Greg Yates will provide hands-on training in using Powerpoint and Google slides to help students create their best presentations. The class is appropriate for beginners and those already familiar with earlier versions of the program.

Stacia Minkowsky will return to present her popular all-day “Metaphysics and Meditation” class, and Nicole Chamberland, who taught “Dance Fitness” in the fall, will present “Jazzy Pop Dance.” Another class will cover “Cleaning Up at Yard Sales without Getting Cleaned Out.”

All classes will take place at Lewiston High School, with the first classes starting at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be included with all day-long programs. Registration is open and classes are filling up, so register soon at 795-4141 or

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