LAE Summer Enrichment Program features new classes for 2018

Chris Dorman, a technology librarian at the Maine State Library in Augusta, returns this summer to teach a class on air-propelled rockets.
Registration is now open for Lewiston Adult Education’s 2018 Summer Enrichment Programfor families and children. Designed to help keep local children involved and interested in science and the humanities during summer vacation, the program features classes led bystaff from Bates College, the Maine State Library, and 4-H. Lewiston Adult Education’s newest partner, Museum L-A, will host a class in August.Allclassesarefree,but advance registration is required.
Among this summer’s offerings, Laura Personette of 4-H will teach hands-on classes on making a glider, building a miniature bridge, and creating a small boat; Chris Dorman of the Maine State Library will do a presentation on air-propelled rockets; and the last class of the summer,taking place atMuseum L-A, will feature a hands-on demonstration ofhow fabrics are spun and woven and how they connect to Lewiston’s manufacturing past.Museum L-A is located at 35 Canal Streetin Lewiston.
Aside from the Museum L-Aclass, all the otherclasses will take placeat Lewiston High School.The class schedule is listed below. For more information about the classes or to register, call Lewiston Adult Education at 795-4141.
Thursday, July 12 at 6 p.m. – “Will It Fly?” with Laura Personette of4-H; Wednesday, July 18 at 6 p.m. – “Air-Propelled Rockets” with Chris Dorman of the Maine State Library(participants will be required to wear safety goggles); Thursday, July 19 at 6 p.m. – “Will It Float?” by Laura Personette of4-H; Thursday, July 26 at 6 p.m. – “Will It Stand?” by Laura Personette of4-H; and Wednesday, August 1 at 6 p.m. at Museum L-A, 35 Canal Street inLewiston- “Spinning and Weaving” with Carol Thomas ofMuseum L-A.