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Green Dot L-A now available to provide bystander intervention training

Green Dot L-A instructors and supporters at a recent Auburn City Council meeting

Green Dot Lewiston-Auburn recently enjoyed a successful Launch Week, during which they shared their approach to violence prevention through bystander intervention training with various groups in the community.

Launch Week included presentations to the Auburn City Council, Lewiston City Council, and Lewiston-Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce. The week concluded with a celebratory walk up Lisbon Street by Green Dot instructors and supporters who carried a Green Dot banner and visited offices and businesses to introduce the movement.

Launch Week also marked the unveiling of the Green Dot L-A quilt, a multi-material work of art consisting of fabric, stitching, handwritten text, buttons, and beads. The quilt is currently on display at launch underwriter Bangor Savings Bank on Lisbon Street.

Green Dot Lewiston-Auburn is now available to provide bystander intervention training to businesses, organizations, and other community groups. For more information about how to bring Green Dot bystander intervention trainings to your workplace or community, email

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