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This week’s edition!

Governor’s Address: As Cornelia “Fly Rod” Crosby once said, “I would rather fish any day than go to heaven”

Fishing in Maine is at the core of our state’s economy. It contributes more than $319 million annually, including $75 million from ice fishing alone, and supports over 3,300 jobs.

In the Northern Zone of Maine, the ice fishing season generally closes on March 31 and open water season begins April 1. Well, with Northern Maine still firmly in winter’s grip, I thought Maine Department of Inland, Fisheries, and Wildlife Commissioner Judy Camuso should be able to extend the ice fishing season in Northern Maine, allowing anglers to continue fishing and our local small businesses to continue operating.

That is why I signed emergency bill LD 1298 earlier this week. It allows Commissioner Camuso the authority to extend the ice fishing season beyond the traditional closing date. Waters that are currently open to ice fishing in Northern Maine will remain open for several more weeks, until April 21, under the same rules and regulations. 

Extending the ice fishing season in Northern Maine not only provides anglers with more opportunities to fish, but it also provides continuing economic opportunity for the many businesses that angling supports.

Of course, while this is good news for our fishermen, conditions can change rapidly this time of year, and ice that forms over flowing water, especially near streams, bridges, and culverts, can be very dangerous. Be aware, and always check the condition of the ice before heading out.

As Cornelia “Fly Rod” Crosby once said, “I would rather fish any day than go to heaven.” I wish every Maine fisherman good times, tight lines, and never-ending catches. Stay safe out there.

Thank you.

Janet Mills


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