Gorham to Hold School Budget Validation Referendum & Election
GORHAM, ME (April 29, 2023) — A School Budget Validation Referendum and Election will take place on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 to allow voters to validate the FY 24 school budget that will have been reviewed at the Special Town Council Meeting on May 16, 2023. The budget can be reviewed at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11rAtc7evfbDxmfhOn1-OGf5hxzz0emRCnGQxAiE7-OI/edit.
A public hearing will be held at the start of this meeting to provide the public with an opportunity to be heard prior to the Town Council’s vote.
Below are helpful website links and answers to frequently asked questions:
How do I register to vote?
Visit https://www.gorhamme.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif4456/f/uploads/maine_voting_residence_fact_sheet.pdf for
When do polls open and close on Election Day?
Poll places open at 7am and close at 8pm.
Where do I vote?
Visit https://www.gorhamme.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif4456/f/uploads/municipal_street_list_rev_03_30_22.pdf to view a listing of assigned polling wards based on odd/even residential street addresses in Gorham. Wards are as follows:
? Ward 1-1: Gorham Middle School – 106 Weeks Road
? Ward 1-2: Great Falls Elementary School – 73 Justice Way
? Ward 2: Shaw Gym, Gorham Municipal Center – 75 South Street
Visit https://www.gorhamme.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif4456/f/uploads/voting_map_2021.pdf to view a map of voting wards.
Voter Registration
Unenrolled voters can enroll in a party at any time including Election Day since the State of Maine offers Election Day voter registration.
Absentee Voting
Absentee ballots are now available by request by calling the Town Clerk’s Office at 222-1670. Ballots will be mailed out on May 17th. Please note that absentee voting will not be held in Council Chambers for this election; however, some booths will be set up in the Clerk’s Office for citizens to vote in person after May 16th. The last day to request an absentee ballot or vote in the Town Clerk’s Office will be June 8th at 6:30pm.
The State website is not available for requesting absentee ballots for this election since it is a local election.
For general election information, please visit https://www.gorham-me.org/townclerk/pages/election-voting-information. If you have additional questions about absentee voting, please visit the Town Clerk’s Office or call 222-1670.