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Gorham kindergarten parent information meetings scheduled

GORHAM, ME — Gorham Kindergarten Parent Information Meetings for our incoming 2024 Kindergarten students are coming up soon! If you have not pre-registered yet, please do so as we will be sending reminder emails and future communication to those that have pre-registered!

Parent information meetings will be held on Thursday, March 7th at 5:30pm at your neighborhood school. At this meeting, parents will meet school staff, learn about a day-in-the-life of a Kindergarten student, and receive information about the enrollment process. This meeting is for parents/guardians ONLY! You will pick up enrollment packets, receive information on how to schedule your student for a Kindergarten screening, and learn about a future date to bring your student in to see the school!

Please click on your neighborhood school on the Gorham school district website and pre-register using the kindergarten registration link. All families that have a student entering Kindergarten should pre-register (even if they are currently in the PK program at Narragansett this year).

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