Gorham Food Pantry news

Dante’s Birthday Party:
Gorham Food Pantry supporter Dante celebrated his birthday with a socially distant parade and collected 111 pounds of food for the Pantry.
For Dante Miremadi’s recent birthday, he knew that the celebration would be different this year. With kids unable to get together in large groups, he and his mom Delvina thought that a parade would be fun. They asked parade participants to consider dropping a food donation on their way by. Delvina notes, “Neighbors, friends and family all turned out with decorated cars and lots of food! We were so grateful for everyone’s generosity.” The pantry is grateful to Dante and Delvina for celebrating Dante’s birthday in a way that helps his neighbors here in Gorham.
LC Students at LifeChurch:
Speaking of grateful, the Pantry is also grateful for LifeChurch’s Youth Group, called LC Students. They hosted a pantry drive recently at both the Gorham Hannaford and Ace Hardware; they had 14 students and five leaders spread between both locations, collecting food for the pantry. The initiative was part of a larger project put on annually by LifeChurch called Serve Day, where the local church serves their community. Between the two sites, the LC Students collected 250 pounds of food for the Gorham Food Pantry.
The Pantry is so grateful to the Gorham community for supporting your neighbors in need, moreso during the pandemic. Every donation, whether food or monetary, goes a long way toward supporting the community.