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Gorham Announces New Municipal Center Office Hours

GORHAM, ME  (June 9, 2023) – The business hours for Town of Gorham municipal departments located at 75 South Street will be changing effective July 1, 2023. The Municipal Center will now be open to the public Monday through Thursday, 7:00am – 5:00pm and closed on Fridays.* This change is being made in an effort to improve our ability to serve the public.

A significant review of each department’s hours of operation revealed that the current Municipal Center hours lack uniformity and consistency, which is often confusing for the public. The new hours will be more consistent and will improve public access to Town services by aligning interdepartmental hours and adding extra time before and after the current workday for business transactions to be completed. We hope that this new schedule will better accommodate the public and improve overall accessibility. *

The Recreation Department will continue offering Friday programming as usual.

The Gorham School Department Administrative Offices will continue to be open on their existing schedule, Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will the new days and hours of the Gorham Municipal Center be?

Effective July 1, 2023, the new hours of Town departments within the Municipal Center will be Monday through Thursday, 7:00am to 5:00pm for our predominantly public-facing departments. This includes the Finance Office, Town Clerk’s Office, Community Development (Code Enforcement, Planning, Economic Development, Assessing), and Recreation Department. *Any regular Recreation programs scheduled on Fridays will still take place and be unaffected.

What are the current Municipal Center hours?

Municipal Center hours are currently Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm for the Finance Department and Community Development Offices (Code, Economic Development, Assessing, and Planning). The Town Clerk’s Office is currently open Monday through Wednesday, 8am to 4pm, Thursday 8am to 6:30pm and Friday 8am to 1pm. The Recreation Department office hours are currently Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm.

Will Baxter Memorial Library hours be affected?

No, Baxter Memorial Library will remain open on Monday, 9am to 4pm, Tuesday through Thursday 9am to 7pm, Friday 9am to 4pm, and Saturday 9am to 1pm.

Why did the Town make this change?

This change was contemplated for nearly a year as other municipal organizations made the transition, and as we explored opportunities to improve accessibility for the public and strategies to better compete in the labor market with expense-neutral solutions.

Who has the authority to change Town Hall hours?

The Town Manager has the authority and responsibility for the management of municipal departments, including establishing hours of operation. Over the last several months, the Town Manager has kept the Town Council informed that a change in municipal hours was being contemplated.

Does this affect Public Safety?

At this time, the business hours of the Police and Fire Rescue departments are not changing, and the schedules of on duty and public-facing police officers and firefighters / EMS providers will not be affected.

Will employees be working less hours?

No. Employees will be working the same amount of hours and in some cases more.

How is the public being notified of this change in hours?

The Town of Gorham has placed notices on our website, social media accounts, flyers within Town Hall, notices through our announcement listserv, as well as notification at public meetings. The Town will continue to make an effort to announce this change throughout the next year into 2024.

Do you envision changes to this schedule in the future?

While we envision this change remaining in place for the foreseeable future, we will assess the feedback from both the public and staff on an ongoing basis. Should we identify opportunities to improve our accessibility to the public in the future, we will remain open and willing to consider further adjustments.

I still need a permit or registration on a Friday. What are my options?

Many of the Town’s services are available online, including most functions within the Gorham Clerk’s Office such as motor vehicle re-registrations. Building permits can also be applied for via email through our Code Office with an online software for permitting going online in the fall of 2023. All departments will make reasonable accommodations for our residents and business clients.

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