Four Seasons Walk at Black Brook with Wild Seed Project
WINDHAM, ME — The Land Trust is partnering with Wild Seed Project to offer a series of Four Seasons Walks at Black Brook Preserve in Windham. These walks showcase native plants and how they change throughout the year. Join Nell Houde, Wild Seed Project’s education lead, as we explore the preserve, participants will learn how to identify and form relationships with many of the native plants that grow in the places we live, work and play. These walks will be plant identification walks, and will move at a more leisurely pace, covering a little over one mile of trail during the walk.
Come walk and learn with the Wild Seed Project!

Walk Dates: June 6th, 4:00-5:30 (Spring), August 8th 4:00-5:30 (Summer), October 24, 3:30 -5:00pm (Fall), Winter TBD