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Deputy City Administrator to retire June 30

After 18 years with the City of Lewiston, Deputy City Administrator Phil Nadeau has announced his impending retirement, effective June 30. Following a total of 23 years in public administration, Nadeau recently submitted his letter of resignation and shared the news with municipal employees. He looks forward to spending more time with his family.

“Phil Nadeau is a class act,” said Mayor Robert E. Macdonald. “While I understand his decision, this is a tremendous loss for the City of Lewiston. He has given his heart and soul during his service with city government, and we have all benefitted from his expertise and insight.”

“Phil has been a great and devoted servant to the City of Lewiston,” said City Administrator Ed Barrett. “His love for his hometown shines through in everything he does. He has never turned away from a challenge and he always steps forward to take on tasks and responsibilities. All who work closely with him will miss his enthusiasm and commitment, while celebrating his accomplishments during his eighteen years with the City.”

Nadeau has had a multi-faceted career. He began his tenure in public administration in 1994 after active duty service at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and several years working in the restaurant, real estate and wine and beer industries. After five years as Town Manager in Richmond, Maine, he was selected as Lewiston’s Deputy City Administrator in 1999.

In addition to assisting with municipal operations and special projects, he has served as the city’s Labor-Risk Management Director, Chief Union Negotiator, and Freedom of Information Officer. He has served on numerous boards and committees, including the Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority (as chair), the Lewiston-Auburn Transit Committee (as chair), Healthy Androscoggin (as vice chair), and the State Advisory Committee for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Most notably, he has served as the City’s primary contact person for immigrant and refugee policy, programming, and services since 2001.

“We do not get the opportunity to plan for vacancies in our profession very often, so I am pleased that I can provide some notice,” said Nadeau. “I am prepared to do whatever is required to ensure that the hiring of a new Deputy City Administrator is a seamless transition, and to address whatever unfinished business requires my attention.”

“He will be missed,” noted Community Relations Coordinator Dottie Perham-Whittier. “He has been one of my supervisors for the last 18 years, and he is one of the most incredible people I have ever known. I have learned a great deal from him, and I admire his integrity, good humor, and love of community. May everyone be as fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a person like Phil Nadeau.”

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