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This week’s edition!

Court St. Baptist Church names transitional pastor

Reverend James Grumbine, Jr.

The Reverend James Grumbine, Jr. has been named the transitional pastor of Auburn’s Court Street Baptist Church. He succeeds retiring Rev. Dr. David R. Clark and will assess the spiritual gifts of the parishioners and the programming needs of the congregation to prepare the church for its next permanent pastor.

For the past 20 years, “Pastor Jim” Grumbine has served as senior pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (CAMA) congregation at Camp Hill, PA. He previously served as assistant superintendent of CAMA’s Central Pacific Region, including Northern California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah; as interim pastor of the CAMA church in Stockton, CA; as church planter in Richmond, VA; and as senior pastor in Galeton, PA and at the North Deering Alliance Church in Portland, Maine.

An accomplished musician, Pastor Grumbine is a graduate of the State University of New York at Albany and earned a Certificate of Christian Studies at Fuller University’s School of Theology in California.

Reverend Grumbine and wife, Barbara, live in Lewiston. They have three children, Christopher of Lewiston, Sarah (husband Don) of Durham, ME, and James III (wife Emily) of Templeton, MA.

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