Conway Post 135 installs new officers

The Harry J. Conway American Legion Post 135 of Sabattus recently installed new officers for 2019-20. In the front row (l. to r.) are Auxiliary Officers Debra Devoe (Chaplain), Joan Caron, (1st Vice President), Denise Michaud (President), and Joan Fournier (Sgt. at Arms). Absent from the photo is Jennifer Caron (Secretary-Treasurer). In the back row (from l.) are Post Officers Joe Tetreault (2nd Vice Commander), Amedeo Lauria (Service Officer), Donald Caron (1st Vice Commander), David Devoe (Chaplain), Joseph Michaud (Commander), Jim Rancourt (Adjutant), Tracey Rancourt (Americanism Officer), and Don Gosselin (Sgt. at Arms). Absent from the photo are Anthony Culpovich (Finance Officer) and Gordon Smith (Historian).