Community Credit Union receives national CUNA awards

Pictured here (l. to r.) are Executive Vice President Christina Carter and President/CEO Jennifer Hogan of Community Credit Union, with Maine Credit Union League Board Member Vicki Stuart.
Community Credit Union has been named the 2016 recipient of the CUNA Desjardins Financial Education Award for youth and adult financial education, the Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Award, and the Louise Herring Philosophy-in-Action Award. President/CEO Jen Hogan traveled to the Governmental Affairs Conference in Washington D.C. to accept the awards.
The Desjardins Youth and Adult Financial Education Award recognizes leadership in financial literacy for credit union members and nonmembers of all ages. The Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Award honors credit union involvement in community projects and activities. And the Louise Herring Philosophy-in-Action Award recognizes credit unions that are exemplary in incorporating credit union philosophy into daily operations.
With branches at 144 Pine Street in Lewiston, 40 Stanley Street in Auburn, and 1025 Auburn Road in Turner, Community Credit Union is a member-owned, full-service financial institution that has been serving its members and the community since 1945. For more information, see