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This week’s edition!

Bag for Bag food pantry donations

From John & Janice

GORHAM – The John & Janice Real Estate Team in Gorham set up in the Gorham Hannaford parking lot under a white tent on a recent Saturday to raise money and food donations for the Gorham Food Pantry.

The team was able to raise over $280 in donations and over 700 pounds of food for the pantry.

Patrick Wescott places food in the carriage for donation to the Gorham Food Pantry in a recent event conducted by the John & Janice Real Estate. (Photo courtesy of John & Janice)

Janice Lesser of the team said “I feel so privileged to be part of such a close community. It amazed me the stories that were shared regarding their own memories of how a food pantry effected them in earlier years to great parents taking the time to teach the children how giving back is vital to our community.”

She said a gentleman brought two bags of food for donation. As she unpacked his bags, he shared with her that the reason he bought “Stove Top Stuffing” was because growing up he and his three siblings were raised by a very hard working single mom who was helped by the food pantry. His favorite “treat” that she would bring home was the stuffing. He went on to describe how successful he and his siblings became as adults through education and family values. It was a tribute to his mother.

The Real Estate team and their volunteers handed out reusable bags for donators to fill inside Hannaford. When the bags with donations came back, they were swapped for an empty bag to bring home for personal use.

This is the second year in a row the Team has reached out to the community to help benefit the Gorham Food Pantry.

 The Gorham Food Pantry accepts donations every day. There is a place beside the pantry with food can be donated.

The pantry is located on the rear right-side of St. Anne’s Catholic Church at 299 Main Street in Gorham.

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