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Auburn Public Library unveils traveling NASA exhibit


Library visitors try out an interactive activity from the exhibit, now on view until July 8.

Now on display at Auburn Public Library is a national traveling exhibit that offers an inside look at America’s space agency, with a focus on NASA activities in six key areas: Human Exploration, Earth Science, Mars Exploration, the Solar System and Beyond, Aeronautics, and Technology.

Free and open for public viewing during library hours through July 8, “Discover NASA: From Our Town to Outer Space” includes stunning imagery, hands-on activities, and multimedia experiences. These include a near real-time kiosk called “Eyes on Exoplanets”; an immersive experience of astronauts living onboard the International Space Station; an interactive touch table where users can build their own virtual solar systems; two large, touchable meteorite samples; and an interactive wind tunnel experience.

“We are proud to be selected as just one of seven sites nationwide to host the ‘Discover NASA’ exhibit,” said Auburn Public Library director Mamie Anthoine Ney. “It presents NASA’s important and inspirational mission in a way that is understandable and relevant. We think people of all ages and backgrounds will find the subject matter to be engaging and fun, and we look forward to sharing it with the community.”

In conjunction with the exhibit, the Library will offer a series of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) related public activities and events for children, teens and adults. These will include “Radio Astronomy”; Mad Science of Maine; a visit from Fran Hodgkins, author of “The Secret Galaxy”; the Star Lab portable planetarium; and “Crash Landing: Survivor – The Moon.” For a full schedule of events, call 333-6640 or see

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