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Acadia Insurance Volunteers at Gorham Village Elementary

WESTBROOK, ME (November 29, 2022) – Volunteers from the Wesbrook Maine office of Acadia Insurance, a Berkley Company® (Acadia), recently volunteered with the Junior Achievement (JA) of Maine for “JA Day” at Village Elementary in Gorham, ME, working with fourth and fifth grade students on Nov. 22, 2022. 

“JA Day” is a one-day presentation of Junior Achievement’s programs and a unique opportunity to reach an entire school of children at one time. By recruiting and training volunteers for this program, “JA Day” can reach every child at every grade level over the course of just four hours. 

Junior Achievement’s (JA) mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed. The inspiration piece comes from community volunteers who not only deliver JA’s lessons but share their experience. In the process, volunteers serve as role models helping to positively impact young people’s perceptions about the importance of education as well as critical life skills. 

“Junior Achievement is grateful for the commitment and partnership from Acadia Insurance to deliver JA learning experiences to elementary students at Village Elementary,” said Junior Achievement of Maine President and CEO Michelle Anderson. 

Teaching students the necessary skills needed for future success; students had the opportunity to dive into hands-on activities that connect classroom learning to the real world delivered by Acadia volunteers. Thanks to the power of mentorship, students will learn firsthand from Acadia volunteers who have life and work experience to share, helping to bridge education and local workforce.”

“Helping students understand the importance of financial literacy at a young age can help position them for greater financial success later in life,” said Simone Grimes, chief financial officer, Acadia and member of the Junior Achievement of Maine Board of Directors. Through our work, we are able to present the diverse career opportunities that exist within the insurance industry and share an avenue to a successful and prosperous career upon graduation,” Grimes said.

 “We are grateful to Junior Achievement for creating this multi-day experience for our students,” said Jodi Mezzanotte, principal, Village Elementary.

By having local business leaders come into our classrooms and teach JA programming, it generates excitement and increases engagement which has endless benefits for our students and our staff.”

Acadia Insurance “JA Day” Volunteers – (back left to right) Michael Bartnick, Matt McManus, Tim Bath, Ryan Capponi, Amy Spinney (front left to right) Jim Kane, Ashlyn Ciampa, Simone Grimes, Tom Ter Horst, and Emily Hultgren.

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