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LETTERS: Maine Senators took part in Obamacare travesty

To the Editor:

Regarding the column by U.S. Senator Susan, “Healthcare law isn’t the answer,” which appeared July 5 in Twin City TIMES: “First do no harm,” indeed.

Spare me the righteous indignation, Senator Collins. I submit for consideration the fact that the Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold much of Obamacare, aka “the Affordable Care Act,” would never have happened had you and Senator Snowe not voted to approve both Justices Sotomayor and Kagan.

You were quoted in July 2010 USA Today as saying, “I believe it is critical for nominees to have a judicial philosophy that is devoid of prejudgment, partisanship and preference.”

Turns out that’s not exactly the case with either of the nominees that you crossed party lines to approve to the Supreme Court.

Need I remind everyone that nomination to the court is a lifetime appointment. We can look forward to reaping the benefits of the damage the senators have caused us as a nation for years to come in further unconstitutional decisions that will no doubt be handed down in the future.

Senator Snowe cited partisanship as the reason she is leaving the Senate at the end of her present term. Both Senators state that we have to cross party lines and work together to solve the nation’s problems; however, Senators Snowe and Collins are the only ones that continually cross party lines and vote with the Democrats. This has won you both the dishonorable label of RINO’s (Republican in name only).

So lets review:

You lecture us about how we should compromise and cross party lines, which the Democrats never do.

You cross party lines and approve two of the most liberal partisan and progressive justices of all time.

Democrats force national healthcare down our throats, even though a majority of the American people did not want it.

Along comes an important Constitutional decision and your nominees refuse to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Naturally, you don’t like how they ruled and conveniently forget your part in this travesty foisted upon us.

And now you want to whitewash your record.

That’s how it looks from here.  See you on Election Day.

Aric Fogg


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