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This week’s edition!

LETTER: Monument at Bates Mill No. 5

To the Editor:

Much has been said about Bates Mill No. 5 and its disposition. I agree with Lewiston Mayor Larry Gilbert that ideas without limits result in many humorous ideas.

Perhaps a more sobering suggestion should be made by submitting an application for historical landmark status as a tribute to over-reaching union management; legislation to accelerate foreign competition; agencies to regulate, stifle and over tax; ownership finding money easier in foreign lands with few restrictions; a federal government “spreading the wealth” to other lands and re-electing the same people or kinds of people to state and federal governing bodies who profit from assisting larger hard- and soft-money campaign contributors.

These are the fruits of misuse by those collaborating with those who have a specific agenda that favor a select few. When things go right, they shave off some crumbs to pacify. When they fail, we pay the damages.

When they rescue us with trillions in spending, our children lose a chance at a future we threw away in these last decades on those we sent to represent us. Basically, we elect someone with a sweet song of “prosperity”, “hope”, “jobs” and we get the shaft, leaving us so grateful that we elect them again!

Their words on the campaign trail are as soothing as the thought of a warm bath as they find comfort for themselves, yet their work leaves us with a bad burn. They only prolong our collective misery.

That is our monument!

Larry W. Mayes


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