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This week’s edition!

LETTER: GOP discredits potential votes

To the Editor:

It is an absolute outrage that the Maine State GOP thinks that with only 83% of Maine’s votes for the 2012 Presidential Preference Poll, that they can discredit the potential votes of 8,000 members of their party, especially with only 194 votes between first and second place.

It is even more of an outrage that the Maine State GOP can ‘call’ a winner based on only that 83% reported. At a time when the GOP needs to come together more than ever to clear out the current Obama administration, and at a time when the GOP needs to gain strength and the trust of it’s members, it has made a blatant and irreversible mistake.

Though the Maine State GOP still could make attempts to save face and do the right thing, there is no guarantee that Washington County GOP Members will soon forget how their party has so willingly disregarded their votes. Ultimately whether one member of the Washington County GOP, or all 8,000 members would have made it out to vote, it is not Charlie Webster’s race to call.

This is the people’s preference poll, not the chairman’s.

Lindsay Carter


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