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This week’s edition!

LETTER: Endorsements from a grass roots activist

To the Editor:

Over the last couple of years, I’ve canvassed the Lewiston-Auburn area several times to promote change. It’s really all I can do to help my community because I don’t have money. I’m a man of average means.

But as hard as it is to go door to door, it is rewarding. I’ve had a chance meet so many wonderful people from all walks of life.  And I’ve found that the vast majority of folks share the same concerns and values.  The citizens of the Twin Cities are sick and tired of the tax-and-spend, welfare mentality that has crippled us.

This year we have a great group of candidates running to change how Augusta operates. If elected, we the people will finally have legislators that will work to expand liberty and promote limited government.

Tim Lajoie’s vision and values are the same as his neighbors. He is determined to be their voice in Augusta, not the pawn of the special interests. His opponent has been in power for years, aided and abetted the welfare bureaucracy that has crippled Lewiston. It’s time to stop business as usual and inject common-sense reforms.

Larry Poulin’s a self-made man whose understanding of Lewiston is second to none. He served four years on the school board and four years on the city council. His opponent is a left-wing activist who has worked for the Maine People’s Alliance. We need to have level-headed legislators, not extremists in office.

Michael Marcotte is one of the smartest men that I’ve ever met. His knowledge of fiscal matters is sorely lacking in Lewiston’s current delegation. Folks in his district deserve greater opportunities so that they can work their way out of poverty. Michael is the candidate they can trust to get the job done.

Auburn needs Dennis Graise. I respect him for promoting passage of Jessica’s Law to make sure that children are protected from sexual predators. I applaud him for seeking to cut wasteful spending so that resources are available to help seniors.

Robert Reed is running for state senate in Lewiston. His opponent has been a disaster, standing in the way of Governor LePage’s reforms. Reed is fighting hard to remove Lewiston’s greatest obstacle to progress.

Senator Snowe-Mello has and continues to push for common-sense reforms. The people I’ve spoken to in Auburn want welfare reform, and they want limited government. She’s championed these causes and Auburn’s been fortunate to have her as their senator.

I must also give a shout out to Judge of Probate candidate Michael Dubois. He is a man of character and insight. We will be blessed to have someone on the bench who will decide issues by sound reasoning, not by a political agenda.

I commend these candidates for standing up for us, fighting for the citizens of Lewiston and Auburn. And I will continue to fight hard for them over the last days of this campaign.

Jim Sorcek


2 Responses to “LETTER: Endorsements from a grass roots activist”

  • Thomas P. Peters, II Esq.:

    I must respond to Mr. Sorcek’s letter of October 25 in which he states the judge of probate rules based on a political agenda. Obviously he doesn’t know Probate Law and the rules and statutes pertaining to the Probate Court. His suggestion that any probate judge makes decisions based on a political agenda just goes too far. I have no problem with Mr. Sorcek speaking his mind but what he states regarding Judge Klein-Golden is just flat out a lie. Enough, as our mayor would say, is enough. Have a debate and back anyone you want but please all sides need to stop with the lies and half truths. We need to elect people that are running for office because they have the skills and ability to at least try to better our society and are not running because they need the insurance or the money the job pays. Our county has been most fortunate to have had judges such as Laurier Raymond and Robert Couturier. Judge Raymond is Judge Klein-Golden’s treasurer and Mrs. Couturier in a recent letter to the editor said her late husband Judge Couturier would support Judge Klein-Golden’s re-election and asked for those that supported Robert to vote for Josh Klein-Golden. It is unfortunate that any judge must run for election to the bench as these are not and should not be political positions. It is more unfortunate when the voters are not told the truth whether in an ad or in a letter. Folks this thing called Democracy and the election of our leaders is too important to allow such comments to go unchallenged.

  • Wendy S. Sanborn, Register of Probate:

    Well said, Mr. Peters. While I do not know Mr. Dubois well, and have stayed out of the probate judge election process for obvious reasons (one will wind up as my boss, should I prevail in my own election) I feel I must speak up. Judge Klein-Golden has never shown a “political agenda” as long as I have assisted him, and is a kind, caring and knowledgeable Judge. He is also a man of “character and insight”, as well as a gentleman.

    I don’t give a damn what party he is from, as this position requires the aforementioned qualities to be effective.

    I too am a Republican, and proud of it most of the time.

    Best wishes to both candidates.

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