Veterans restore dignity to Auburn Plains Cemetery
Officers of the American Legion William J. Rogers Post 153 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1603, including Tibby Dupuis, Carl Douglass, Hugh Brown, Don Beaulieu, Frank W. Hulett and Paul R. Bernard, recently placed “Wreaths of Enduring Memory” on all veterans’ graves in Auburn Plains Cemetery on Route 4.
The project was the latest step in an ongoing effort by local veterans’ organizations, led by American Legion Post 153 of Auburn, to restore dignity to the humble resting place, also known as North Plains Burying Ground, Pleasant Plains Cemetery, Plains Cemetery and Poverty Corner Cemetery.
The cemetery was adopted by the American Legion Post two years ago when Post members noticed it was in severe disrepair. Since then, American Legion members have straightened and repaired grave stones while Auburn Public Works staffers have trimmed the boundary trees, giving the burial ground a much-needed makeover. The presence of at least 30 veterans in the cemetery has been verified.
According to Wreaths Across America representative Tobin Slaven, over 800 participating organizations will place “Wreaths of Enduring Memory” on veterans’ graves in cemeteries across the nation this holiday season.
Many of these are veterans’ organizations, whose members work hard in the face of dwindling membership numbers to organize commemorative events while serving the growing needs of fellow veterans, said American Legion Post 153 Commander Paul R. Bernard.
In many cases, these members have served faithfully for decades and in more than one organization. For instance, Hugh Brown has served in the Legion for 27 years and the VFW for 15 years, Carl Douglas has served in the Legion for 27 years and the VFW for 29 years, Tippy Dupuis has served in the Legion for 29 years, and Don Beaulieu has served in the Legion for 13 years.
“If any veteran would like to continue his or her service to God and Country, we could sure use the help,” said Bernard.
For more information about joining a local veterans’ organization, contact Paul Bernard at (207) 225-3990,, or friend him on facebook at “PaulRBernard”.