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Supreme Court rules on Obamacare: now what?

Now that the Supreme Court has ruled on Obamacare, what will happen in Maine?

Find out what happens next with Maine’s foremost expert on health care. The Maine Heritage Policy Center invites you to attend “ObamaCare: Maine’s Stake In The Fight,” a dinner presentation by Joel Allumbaugh, director, Center for Health Reform Initiatives at MHPC.

Allumbaugh played a key role in urging the legislature’s Insurance and Financial Services Committee to vote against a Democratic bill, LD 1498, which would have set up a state-level health insurance exchange that is mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare.” He insisted that Maine should wait for the Supreme Court to rule before investing time and resources to implement Obamacare.

Along with his work at MHPC, Allumbaugh is also the chief executive officer of National Worksite Benefit Group, Inc., which he co-founded in 2003. NWBG is a full-service employee benefits insurance agency specializing in consumer-driven health plan strategies.

Prior to that, Allumbaugh was an independent insurance agent for six years. In addition, he has served on the board for the Maine Association of Health Underwriters where he served as the president from 2002-2003 and from 2007 to present. He is also a licensed life and health insurance consultant and continuing education instructor.

Allumbaugh instructs insurance agents throughout New England and is the host of Inside Maine Healthcare, a cable access television program launched in 2010, airing on the Time Warner Cable network.

The presentation is from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 11 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 14 Great Falls Plaza, Auburn. All are welcome to attend.

Cost for the dinner for MHPC members is $20 per person, inclusive of tax and gratuity. ?Cost for non-members is $25.

To register, go to or contact Amanda Clark at or at 321-2550.


2 Responses to “Supreme Court rules on Obamacare: now what?”

  • Alyce:

    Promoting MHPC events and publishing Mayor MacDonald’s reactionary screeds? Now it’s clear where the publishers of this “paper” are coming from.

  • Dan Breton:

    Mr. Allumbaugh attitude of waiting for repeal sure didn’t work, did it? Now I suppose he’ll want to wait until after the election when republicans will gain total power an repeal the ACA. If he and his brethren would have spent half the time helping the President with the ACA that they’ve spent fighting it, we would all be a better and healthier country. BUT, of course, we cannot let that black President get any credit for doing anything worthwhile, right?

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