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St. Dom’s Class of 1966 celebrates 50th Class Reunion

n-stdoms-reunionThe St. Dom’s Class of 1966 celebrated their 50th Class Reunion recently at Saint Dominic Academy. The evening started off with a social hour followed by the taking of a class photo. Sr. Therese Demers led a tribute to all deceased classmates and a closing prayer was led by Fr. Richard Malo. Dinner was catered by Mac’s Grill and dessert was provided by The Italian Bakery. Suzanne Roy presented a special power point called “Golden Memories,” Louise Landry Robert, Linda Rouleau St. Pierre, Patricia Poulin Patry and Linda Michaud Holdway led the group in singing the school song, and Carmen Berube Coulombe held a drawing of many gifts and prizes. After dinner, the classmates enjoyed dancing to music provided by DJ Chad Leighton. They wrapped up their Reunion Weekend with a delicious brunch at the Green Ladle on Sunday. A great time was had by all who attended.

Those in attendance were Louise Audet Smith, Fernande Baillargeron Colon, Lucille Berube Lazure, Louise Bonneau Mailer, Paul Bureau, Lillian Burke Kent, Rachel Camire Krawczyk, Clio Carbonneau Draper, Anita Champagne Landry, Marcel Chasse, Roland Chretien, Raymond Cloutier, Claire Courtemanche Tennyson, Roger Couturier, Lionel Dehetre, Sr. Therese Demers, Rita Desjardins Olson, Gerard Dube, Patricia Dutil Albert-Ross, Raymond Dutil, Suzette Fortin Plourde, Helen Gastonguay Doyon, Linda Geoffroy Tremblay, Joan Giasson Mahon, Camille Goulet, Willie Grenier, Cecilia Grenier Courtemanche, Marcel Hamann, Monique Jolicoeur Lecompte, Gerard Joly, Maurice Labbe, Louise Landry Robert, George Langelier, Roland Latulip, Richard Lebrun, Deacon Denis Mailhot, Ronald Maillet, Jerome Maillet, Fr. Richard Malo, Louise Metayer Gagne, Linda Michaud Holdway, Roger Michaud, Deacon Paul Moore, Philippe Moreau, Claire Nadeau Nelson, Anita Ouellette Jean, Gilbert Poliquin, Ronald Pomerleau, Irene Lachance Ryan, Jeanne D’arc Laroche Lachance, Constance Poulin Martel, Patricia Poulin Patry, Joan Poulin Heckethorn, Rachel Poulin Bossie, Monette Pratt Valcourt, Sandy Rioux, Linda Rouleau St. Pierre, Suzanne Roy, Lorraine Thibodeau Fournier and Robert Roy.

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