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This week’s edition!

Residents, officials lend a hand for “Community Tree”

(See photos in Aug. 25, 2011 Digital Edition, pages 6 and 7)

Painted colorful hands became leaf imprints for a wooden “Community Tree” on Tuesday, August 9 in Lewiston’s Kennedy Park. The project was the brainchild of Lewiston Recreation Kennedy Park Drop-in Summer Worker Ali Butler, who was assisted by Kaitlin Cornelio and Megan Beliveau.

Butler said that she’d heard a quote about people being like a box of colorful crayons. “Just like what’s in a box of crayons, we are all different shapes, sizes and colors but we’re one community,” she said.

The symbolic completed multi-colored “Community Tree” will go on display at Lewiston City Hall, Lewiston Recreation Department and the Lewiston Public Library.

The line to participate continued to grow throughout the afternoon. Those “on hand” to lend their painted hands included Mayor Laurent F. Gilbert Sr., Councilor John Butler, School Committee Chair Paul St. Pierre, School Superintendent Bill Webster, Deputy City Administrator Phil Nadeau, Public Schools/City Assistant Human Resources Director Jackie Little, Lewiston Police Chief Mike Bussiere and Lewiston Police Officer Craig Johnson.

One small Lewiston resident, “Baby Nicholas,” also showed up with family to put his tiniest handprint on the tree.

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