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This week’s edition!

Red Cross seeks Real Heroes nominees

An off-duty first responder who comes to the aid of a neighborhood; a classroom volunteer who makes a significant impact on the lives of young students; a cashier who administers first aid when an elderly customer is injured in a fall…

Maine is full of good people doing great things to help others. If you know of a Good Samaritan who performed an extraordinary act of heroism or courage this year, the Red Cross wants to hear their story.

The Red Cross in Maine is now accepting nominations for its annual Real Heroes Award. This award recognizes Mainers who have committed acts of heroism, provided outstanding community service, and shown courage, kindness, and unselfish character in service to others. Past awards have been presented to military personnel, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders, medical providers, teachers, teenagers, neighbors and everyday citizens.

Awards will be presented at events in Lewiston, Portland, Bangor and Caribou beginning in March. The nomination deadline is January 9, 2015. For more information or to access a nomination form, see

A not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission, the American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters, supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood, teaches skills that save lives, provides international humanitarian aid and supports military members and their families. For more information about the American Red Cross in Maine, see

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