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This week’s edition!

Nutrition Center seeks applicants, sponsors for summer program


Chris and Kate Abbruzzese (far left and right) of Double Z Land and Livestock in Turner, with (l. to r.) Eve Niragira, Mohamed Abdullahi, Elias Atkins, Community Cooking Educator Paul Drowns, Ryan Marley, Youth Program Coordinator Sarah Ullman and Hawo Dakane. The Abbruzzese’s contribution of $1,200 will fund the participation of one youth in the Summer Youth Gardener job-training program.

St. Mary’s Nutrition Center is seeking applicants for its 2015 Summer Youth Gardener program for teens ages 14 through 18. The popular job-training program accepts 24 youth each summer for one of two four-week sessions, each meeting five days per week. Students learn how to grow and cook healthy food for their families and community while attending workshops on leadership development, hunger, community change and diversity. Participants are paid a stipend and take a “veggie share” (a bag of vegetables from the garden), along with tips and recipes on how to make a healthy meal from their bounty, home to their families each week. For more information about the program, or to access an application, see

The Nutrition Center hopes to raise nearly $30,000 in local sponsorships to fund the participation of all 24 youth in the program this summer. A $1,2000 contribution supports the participation of one youth in the program. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact the Nutrition Center at 513-3848 or


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