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This week’s edition!

LPL Friends campaign to update furniture


In a plan to update the seating and table arrangement in LPL’s ground floor area, these tables would be replaced with window counters featuring built-in electrical outlets.

In late 1996, Lewiston Public Library first opened its doors on Lisbon Street at a time when activity in downtown Lewiston was minimal and several storefronts sat vacant. Today, almost two decades later, the downtown is humming again with new cafes, businesses and activities that the Library’s 600 daily visitors have helped to support.

However, the furniture the Library purchased for its ground floor area is now showing its age, and the Library would like to update the original seating and table arrangement in this area to accommodate the changing needs of patrons. In this plan, the aging tables near the windows would be replaced with window counters featuring built-in electrical outlets for all the laptops, tablets, smartphones and other electronic devices that people make use of in the Library.

To make this vision a reality, the Friends of Lewiston Public Library, a 501c3 support organization, have initiated a crowdfunding campaign on to raise the $13,000 needed for the furnishings. The group is seeking community support for this effort. To make a tax-deductible donation to the project, click on “Donate Now” at

Those not comfortable donating online are invited to send a check, payable to “Friends of LPL,” to Friends Furniture Fund, Lewiston Public Library, 200 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, ME 04240.

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