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This week’s edition!

LFA, Falcon Shoe donate winter boots

Sonia Taylor of the Jesus Party (2nd from l.), with Lewiston Firefighters Association members (from l.) Jon Demers, Todd LeClerc, and Alan Hodgkins.

Sonia Taylor of the Jesus Party (2nd from l.), with Lewiston Firefighters Association members (from l.) Jon Demers, Todd LeClerc, and Alan Hodgkins.

Members of the Lewiston Firefighters Association (LFA) recently got an opportunity to keep the feet of over forty people warmer this winter, thanks to a donation of forty pairs of winter boots by Falcon Performance Footwear of Auburn.

Known for its strong tradition of craftsmanship, and innovation, Falcon has been making quality footwear in Maine for over four decades. LFA distributed the boots through Hope Haven Gospel Mission and the Jesus Party.

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