Fontaine celebrates 30 years in real estate

Local realtor Brenda Fontaine (center) and her family and staff celebrate her 30th anniversary in the real estate industry.
Over 150 of Brenda Fontaine’s clients and colleagues gathered recently at the Royal Oak Room in Lewiston to celebrate her 30th anniversary in the real estate business.
Fontaine and her team of agents and support staff greeted each guest as they made their way on a special blue carpet leading to front and center at the Royal Oak Room. There, each guest was photographed by the “paparazzi” as they were given star treatment at the event.
The Bates College Merimanders, an all-female a capella singing troupe, mingled among the guests while providing their own special rendition of favorite tunes. Helping to sponsor the celebration were business associates Phenix Title Services, RMS-Residential Mortgage Services, Roux Insurance Services and Mortgage Network.
In opening remarks, Fontaine and her husband, Claude, extended their thanks to the gathering. “It was September 13, 1983 when it all started,” said Fontaine. “We can’t thank you enough for all your support through the years. It is each of you that have made our success today. We couldn’t have done it without you.”
In a retrospective video created for the celebration, Fontaine explains that she was running a daycare center and caring for her twin daughters prior to entering real estate. “I was always looking in the newspapers to see if there was something else that I could do,” she said. She credits her husband for pointing her toward real estate.
“I was looking in the paper and saw two real estate agents who were getting awards. I went to Brenda and said, ‘If they can do that, you can do that too,’” said Claude, noting that his wife had always done well in sales.
“I looked into it and finally started in real estate,” said Fontaine. “When I got into it, I knew I had found my passion and I’ve been at it ever since.”
The video featured comments from customers and colleagues who have worked with Fontaine and her team. “Brenda started out in the business like many others and wasn’t very noticeable,” said Steve Hammond from the Real Estate Learning Group. “Today, she is very noticeable because she had the drive to do what needed to be done to be successful.”
The video went on to highlight Fontaine’s individual achievements as a sales agent, as well as the achievements of her agency, Fontaine – The Real Estate Leader. In a list of 1000 real estate agencies in Maine, Fontaine’s agency ranks number ten in number of closed units in sales. In 2012, Fontaine had its best year ever, with $46.5 million in sales.
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